Past Events

Public Seminar:
Collaborative Open-Science and Meta-Research (CORE): Insights from Coordinating an International Team Aiming to Better Understand and Improve Science by Prof. Gilad Feldman from the University of Hong Kong.
Prof. Feldman presented how the CORE project, a global collaboration with early-career researchers and students, advances open and reproducible science. Key topics included, metascience and research evaluation, open and collaborative research practices, registered reports and overcoming bias, integrating research with education and connecting with the scientific community.
Around 15 participants were present in this seminar, held at the University of Coimbra (CNC auditorium – Polo I).
Watch the presentation here.
Access slides & resources here.
Interactive workshop:
Using RRIDs and CRediT author contributions statements to improve transparency by Prof. Tracey Weissgerber from the QUEST Center, Berlin Institute of Health @ Charité, Germany.
Exploring RRIDs available for cell lines, model organisms (e.g. mice), antibodies, plasmids, software and tools, and core facilities and learn how to apply them to the different research lines. Gain a deeper understanding of how to write a CRediT authorship statement for an ongoing research project.
Support data: Video on using RRIDs.
Around 35 participants were present in this public workshop, held at the University of Coimbra (CNC – UC-Biotech auditorium).

BEB Day 2024 – “(Not) Knowing what comes next: Tools for the Research of Tomorrow”
John P. A. Ioannidis, Professor at Stanford University and EXCELScIOR ERA Chair holder gave a public seminar entitled “AI use in biomedical research: methods, transparency, limitations, and ethics.”
Around 30 participants were in this event, organized by the Doctoral Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB) students, and held at the ‘Pavilhão Centro de Portugal’, in Coimbra.
Public Seminar:
Peer review and scientific publication: present and future by John P. A. Ioannidis, Professor at Stanford University and EXCELScIOR ERA Chair holder.
Around 27 participants were present in this public seminar, held at the University of Coimbra (CNC – UC-Biotech auditorium).

Importance of measuring the quality and impact of science to maximize the impact of
open and reliable science in society
Integrated in the PhD Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB).
By Prof. John Ioannidis, Full Professor at Stanford University, USA, and EXCELScIOR ERA Chair holder.
Prof. John Ioannidis participated in the inaugural session of the advanced course “An Introduction on Science of Science”, led by Dr. David Pina from the European Commission.
Around 22 PDBEB students attended this seminar at the University of Coimbra (CNC – Polo 1 auditorium).
Interactive data visualization workshop: How to identify and fix common problems
Integrated in the Doctoral Course “ONE HEALTH: A Metabolic Approach from the Cell to Society”
By Prof. Tracey Weissgerber from the QUEST Center, Berlin Institute of Health @ Charité, Germany.
Around 40 participants were present in this public seminar, held at the University of Coimbra (CNC – Polo I auditorium).

Meta-Research seminars:
Forecasting experimental results with ChatGPT by Prof. Thomas Pfeiffer from NZ Institute for Advanced Study, Massey University;
Reveal, don’t conceal:
Improving transparency, trustworthiness and reusability in research publications by Dr. Tracey Weissgerber from Berlin Institute of Health @Charité.
These two public seminars were held at the University of Coimbra – Student Hub – with the participation of 15 people.
Seminar poster.

Annual Cochrane Portugal Meeting. Professor John Ioannidis gave a public seminar on systematic reviews and umbrella reviews, shedding light on evidence synthesis. Dr. Paulo Oliveira delved into the ERA Chair EXCELScIOR project, exploring the ‘science of science’ to unravel the quality and real-world impact of research.
The event was held at Polo II – University of Coimbra on December 7th 2023, with the participation of ca. 75 people.
Event on the press (PT) here.

Experimental Science Design
Advanced course integrated in the PhD Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB).
This course was organized by EXCELScIOR team members, namely Elsa Henriques, EXCELScIOR Co-Coordinator, Teresa Cunha-Oliveira, EXCELScIOR Assistant Researcher and John Ioannidis, Professor at Stanford University and EXCELScIOR ERA Chair holder.
This course provided an overview of several critical issues in Experimental Design in the 21st century, including the most recent advances on the scientific method, design of experiments, the replication crisis, scientific integrity, data management and publication policies. Also, it provided a focused approach on the concepts and tools used in biostatistics and data visualization, as well as, it discussed the challenges posed by big data.
Around 20 PhD students attended this course at the University of Coimbra.
More info and full program here.

Can we trust meta-analyses in psychology? Real-life meaning of the heterogeneity of effects. Prof. Kinga Bierwiaczonek from the University of Oslo, gave a public seminar at the University of Coimbra – Colégio das Artes – with the participation of 16 people.
Seminar poster.

Using Unbiased Many-Teams Replication Data to Evaluate Meta-Analytic Estimators. Dr. Amanda Kvarven from Stanford University, gave a public seminar at the Student Hub – University of Coimbra, with the participation of 11 people.
Seminar poster.

Public seminar by Prof. John Ioannidis, under the the topic “Evaluating research practices and the academic reward system” was held at the University of Coimbra – Colégio da Trindade – with the participation of 40 people.
Seminar poster.