Upcoming Events
Love Methods Week
Interested in learning how to make your methods more robust, transparent, and reproducible? Sing up for these virtual workshops!
Why are Methods so Important?
- Methods are one of the most valuable outputs that researchers create. In many fields, others may be more likely to reuse and cite your methods than your data.
- Reproducibility starts with methods. If others don’t know what you did, they can’t reproduce your research.
- We can’t reuse open or FAIR data responsibly if we don’t know how they were generated. We need to share methods along with data to facilitate reuse.
Why Should I Join the “Love Methods Week”?
Learn how to share open, reusable methods. In addition to improving your own research, this will help others to reuse your methods and your data responsibly. By attending hands-on virtual workshops or webinars you’ll learn how to:
- Write and deposit a reusable, step-by-step protocol in a public repository
- Peer-review a method section in a manuscript
- Design an in vivo study protocol for the preclinic
- Pre-register a preclinical in in vivo or in vitro study
- Write up protocols for peer-reviewed publications that editors will like
- Share reproducible methods
- And much more…
Date and time: 24 – 28 February 2025
Location: Online
Keep posted: Detailed information about the Love Methods Week can be found here.

12, 19, 26/Feb and 5, 12/March/2025
ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible
A hands-on ReproducibiliTeach workshop, offered by the QUEST Center and NeuroCure.
Participants in this workshop will learn to identify common problems that affect transparency and reproducibility and work on implementing better practices in their own research.
Course description:
This course follows the flipped classroom principle. Participants are required to watch a recorded lecture focussed on common practices for more transparent and reproducible alternatives prior to the workshops.
In these lectures, they learn the theoretical background and skills needed to apply these concepts to their own research. During the workshops, participants ask questions, apply concepts to their own research, learn from others’ experiences and get feedback from instructors and classmates. Instructors will provide support and guidance.
After completion of the course, participants will have implemented practices to make their research more transparent and reproducible, and shared their knowledge with others in their research group.
Date and time:
12 February, 19 February, 26 February, 5 March and 12 March 2025, 4 – 5:30pm
Online via Zoom
Keep posted:
More information about the event can be found here.
QUEST Center, Berlin Institute of Health @ Charité, Germany
NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Meta-science summer school: Designing and conducting studies to improve research
Concerned about the reproducibility and transparency of research? Interested in learning more about meta-research, or the science of science? Looking for hands-on experience? Excited to work with other early career researchers across disciplines?
Apply for the Meta-Science Summer School to learn more about meta-research by working collaboratively in a small team to design a meta-research study. After the summer school, some groups may decide to continue working with their instructors to complete and publish their study. The Meta-Science Summer School is organized in cooperation between the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), the German Reproducibility Network (GRN), the META REP Priority Program, iRise and the University of Coimbra EXCELScIOR project ERA chair.
Participants will learn more about meta-research by designing and starting to collect data for a meta-research study in a small team. Participants may choose to keep working after the summer school to complete and publish their project. (In English)
Date and time: 15 – 20 June 2025
Location: Near Frankfurt, Germany
Keep posted: Detailed information about the Summer School can be found here.

Responsible Research in Action – QUEST Unconference 2025
A multi-stakeholder unconference to improve research culture and practice.
Participants will work in transdisciplinary project teams to co-create outputs leading to actionable solutions to improve research culture and practice. Potential outputs might include toolboxes, tools, grass roots initiatives, recommendations, or networks. In addition to researchers, teams may include other stakeholders such as publishers, funders, members of institutional leadership.
We invite early-career, mid-career and senior researchers, along with other stakeholders such as funders, publishers and editors, regulators, and leaders of research institutions to join our event and think about potential projects that will improve research culture and practice to be discussed during the event.
Date and time:
Pre-conference workshops: September 22, 2025, 2 – 5pm
Main unconference – Inaugural key lecture and come together: September 22, 2025, 5pm
Project work: September 23 – 24, 2025
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum, Berlin, Germany
Keep posted:
More information about the event can be found here.
QUEST Center, Berlin Institute of Health @ Charité, Germany
University of Coimbra, Portugal